That little boy!

There was a little boy

A little boy
That once endlessly clung to his mother’s bosom
And sucked voraciously

That little boy
That once shylessly donned under-garments
As adorable regalia

That little boy
That once attributed every passing posh vehicle to himself
In competition with other fledglings

That little boy
That once tread, fed and read
Regardless of what the future held

That little boy
That once had innocent crush
On the beauteous lasses dangling all around him

That little boy
That was nurtured in the veneration of the Lord
And respect of man

That little boy
That was moulded amidst three wonderful sibs
By two adoring begetters

That little boy has mutated into a man

He is a year older today!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME, Fadipe Sunday Oluwaseun Olayiwola Joseph